Learn More about the PrEP Medication for Sale and its Uses

PrEP or pre-exposure prophylaxis is a type of medication that lowers the chances of contracting HIV from intercourse or drug use. If doctors prescribe you this drug, do not miss a single dose or delay taking it because PrEP is the only medicine that can prevent HIV. These medicines are available in both pills and shots form but they should only be taken if individuals are at high risk of contracting HIV. These medicines are not for everybody and are less effective when not prescribed by doctors and unnecessary use of these drugs can lead to some complications in the future. 

Why Take PrEP Medication?

As mentioned before, PrEP is highly effective at stopping HIV and other sexual diseases. Medical experts have found no side effects with PrEP use for a long time but even they recommend caution. Doctors usually recommend PrEP medication to a patient who’s at risk of contracting HIV; it should be continued for 5 years. PrEP success has led to the rise of PrEP medication for sale & people are always on the lookout to purchase this drug. PrEP protects against sexually transmitted diseases, so it should be taken after action but users should always use Trojan to even reduce the risk of getting HIV.

What Drugs Are Approved For PrEP?

Cendox 100 mg: it is approved by the Indian FDA to use as PrEP medication. Cendox 100 mg reduces bacterial density in the body, counter bacterial infection, and is effective against HIV. Not so popular drug for genital herpes treatment but some people do use them.

Tenvir Em Tablet: it is one of the most powerful drugs to counter HIV infection, take Tenvir Em Tablet to stop virus amplification. It is also prescribed by doctors to treat Hepatitis B and to improve quality of life. Emtricitabine and Tenofovir are present in this drug, which is very effective in stopping the immunodeficiency virus from entering the body. Take advantage of the PrEP medication for sale and lead a healthy life.

PrEP medications are available offline and online but always buy from Medsbase, a reliable online pharmacy selling affordable medicines.


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